Tularosa Wildcat Logo

Dear Wildcat Families,

Due to the increased number of students and faculty being affected by the Covid-19 virus, Tularosa Municipal Schools has made the difficult decision to move to remote learning January 14th through January 18th for cleaning and disinfection.  In-person instruction will resume Wednesday, January 19, 2022.  All classes will be taught virtually and students will follow their class schedule provided by each school and found in your child’s Google Classroom. 

Meals will be available for all students and may be picked up Friday, January 14th and Tuesday, January 18th from the Tularosa Middle School 11:00-12:00.  Buses will run their normal routes to deliver meals beginning at 11:00 a.m. The following buses will be parked at the following locations at these times:

Bus 5    Hughes Farm and Supply 11:00-11:45

Bus 15  Higuera Part 11:00-11:45

Bus 25  Las Rosa’s Apartments 11:00-11:20

            Baseball Field 11:25-11:45

Mescalero students will have buses at the following locations and times for meal pickup:

Bus 6    Windy Point 11:05-11:20

Mud Canyon 11:25-11:40

            Summit 11:45-12:00

Bus 7    Bent Post Office 11:05-11:20

            A and B Side 11:25-11:40

Agency 11:45 - 12:00

Bus 14  Flats 11:05-11:20

Community Center 11:25 - 11:40

8 Canyon 11:50 - 12:05


We encourage everyone to continue practicing proper handwashing, social distancing and limiting exposure to large crowds to minimize the spread of illness.

We apologize for any inconvenience this closure may cause and appreciate your understanding.

If you have any questions, please contact your school or Tularosa Municipal Schools District Offices.

 Todd Lindsay
